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Ivan’s Winnipeg Bar Mitzvah

Check out Ivan’s super cool Winnipeg Bar Mitzvah. He had it at Fort Gibraltar here in Winnipeg. It was such a fun day with an amazing family. Ivan and I have a lot in common when it comes to our cars. We both love Formula One, Le Mans and we both love European Sports Cars, like Jaguar.

They did the ceremony photos a few days ahead of time at Congregation Shaarey Zedek with all their family and friends. We had a great time hanging out and laughing. It was nice to see their Rabbi again. He’s a great guy, super laid back and lot s of fun to hang out with.

They had the party at Fort Gibraltar a few days later. What a fun day that was! The room looked amazing with all the cars as centerpieces on each table and all the car stuff on the walls. The day went by so fast, but what an amazing time with such a great family. It was a real honour and privilege to have been chosen to shoot this special day for Ivan and his family. Thank you so much Analia for recommending me.

See more of my work and current specials at Chris Jensen Studios

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